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Missouri Arrowheads found insitu

Welcome to Ozarks Arrowheads


Information about Missouri Arrowheads and the Springfield Indian Artifact Show. The 2024 show is scheduled for Friday - Saturday May 3-4 at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds East Eplex.

Visit the insitu page to past and recent shots of personal finds. Send me shots of your insitu personal finds and a brief description of the adventure and point type and I will post it on the insitu page. Use the email at the bottom of the page.

Selling Your Collection

If you have an Indian artifact collection for sale I would be interested in hearing about it. I purchase arrowheads, pottery, stone axes, bone tools and shell artifacts and other prehistoric artifacts. Also have a consignment program to assist in selling your collection. I have an extensive list of buyers.


We also provide appraisal service for artifact collections of any size. If you are wanting sell your collection and consign with us the appraisal is free.  If you are needing appraisals for personal documentation or insurance there is an appraisal fee.

Artifact Show Calendar

If you have an Indian Artifact Show you would like us to post send it to the email below. Include dates, location and contact information. We also product the Springfield Indian Artifact Show held the second week of May at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds East Eplex in Springfield, Missouri. Visit the Artifact Show Calendar.

Insitu & Personal Finds

I created a section for insitu personal finds. Since I haven't had a lot of time to hunt in 2014, I welcome seeing your insitu shots and would like to post them on my website. If you have an insitu picture of one of your own personal finds email me a picture, description and information about your find. I will be happy to post it on the insitu page.

If you have a hunting story you would like to share, I will post it on my blog page. You can also include images and videos.

You can contact me at 417-619-3269 or email me at

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